This morning we had a very exciting visit from 5 firefighters we explored the fire engine and got to sit in the drivers seat.
We also got to explore the equipment such as the firefighters hose and try on their helmet.
With the help from one of the firefighters we were able to spray the hose and see how far it travelled from across the car park. We had the chance to ask them questions too we cannot thank the team enough for today thank you for our visit.
We then continued this learning opportunity/ interest into our play throughout the day. We made our own fire engine card to give to the fire fighter team as a big thank you. The children picked all the relevant colours and spoke about what they had seen throughout the morning.
We then made our own fire fighters tuff tray which created imaginative play and further discussion. At welcome time we rewatched the videos and spoke about our time with the firefighters.
What an exciting day today