National Fitness Day is an annual campaign by ukactive that highlights the role physical activity plays across the UK, helping to raise awareness of its importance in assisting us to lead healthier lifestyles.
This morning we began our day by completing our squiggle whilst you wiggle program. We loved making different movements with our flipper flappers such as up, down and side to side. The children in the babyroom also made dance movements with their flipper flappers too and made movements such as up and down.
The upper pre school children then spent time dancing and moving in a variety of ways.
We explored other ways to keep healthy and discussed different types of exercise we can participate in. The children identified jumping, stretching, football, rugby, running and walking too.
We discussed how to keep our bodies healthy and explored why it is important to brush our teeth/ visit the dentist.
We played a game and we explored a super tooth board game to encourage healthy eating and good oral hygiene. Throughout the game we encouraged good dental hygiene, identified essential food groups, shape recognition, promoting healthy eating and developing matching and memory skills.
Both the toddler and pre school group explored an outdoor obstacle course which included hopping, jumping, balancing, up and down movements and running too.
We explored healthy food and explored real life corn and onions. We felt the different textures and described what we consider feel. The children then used these for printing and making their own sunflowers.
We have participated in Danny Go and Yoga activities too, plus a selection of different tuff trays around the topic.
Here are a selection of photos from our day: National Fitness.